Self-care and travel: 6 practical tips to feel good while you roam

Is there anything better than the feeling of setting your “out of office” reply, zipping up your suitcase, and heading to the airport to begin your journey to a new destination?

I think not!

As you probably know, travel is something I value deeply. I believe it to be one of life’s greatest treasures. From a mind-body health perspective, I think exploring the world around us is one of the most nourishing things we can do; it gives us perspective, opens our minds, exposes us to different ways of living, and helps us feel more connected - to other people, to ourselves, and to the world around us.

Most of us travel with the intention of feeling replenished and rejuvenated when the trip comes to a close. Without the proper mindset though, travel can be anything but relaxing. I mean, have you ever gone on a vacation only to feel more exhausted when you returned?  I know I certainly have…

It’s time we get back to the reason we all travel in the first place: to rest, replenish, explore, and connect with ourselves and others. 

Of course, we don’t want to be too rigid with our self care routine while traveling. The goal is to find a balance between fully enjoying the places you’re in while taking care of your body and mind. As someone who has lived pretty nomadically over the years, I’ve developed a few practical self care tips for travel that I’d like to share with you. My hope is that this helps you feel your best while you’re out there roaming.

6 ways to prioritize self-care while traveling

  1. Schedule ‘you’ time
    Schedule at least 10 - 30 minutes every day to be with just you. Preferably when you first wake up or before you go to sleep, use this time to practice your usual self-care routines such as meditation, breath work, slow movement or journaling. If you don’t have time to do this, see other times when you can, like when waiting to board your flight or checking in to your hotel.

  2. Simplify exercise and explore on foot!

    If it’s not realistic to hit the gym everyday while you’re roaming, don’t force it. Loosen up your definition of “exercise” to be anything that makes you sweat: a quick bodyweight workout on the floor of your hotel room, a sweaty uphill walk, or a sunset yoga flow with your friends. Remember, any movement is better than no movement. My favorite way to move while traveling is by exploring on foot! You see so much more by walking around than you ever would by taking a cab. Please use common sense, of course. Don’t walk at night or in unsafe areas just for the sake of exercise.

  3. Add more water, kombucha, green juice and refreshing iced teas!
    Hydration is a key ingredient to feeling good while traveling. If you drink alcohol, try adopting a “drink more water” mindset, instead of “drink less alcohol.” By focusing on what you can add versus what you need to remove, it becomes a much more attainable goal. You can also make hydration fun by trying different green juice shops, kombuchas, teas, smoothies etc. For longer days where alcohol is involved, I recommend alternating every alcoholic drink with a BIG glass of water.

  4. Slow it down
    There’s always a lot of pressure to see everything when you travel, but ultimately, it’s pretty difficult (and exhausting) to check off everything on your list. Overscheduling yourself can lead to itinerary burnout, where you can’t even enjoy the sights because you’re running on an empty tank. It’s okay to skip a sight and take a nap if you need to take care of yourself during your travels, or turn in a bit early so that you’re ready for the busy day ahead. Your future self will thank you for the energy, and who knows? You may be able to fit it in on another day.

  5. Choose accommodations with a kitchen.
    Airbnbs or guest houses with a kitchen are great for self care while traveling because you can make your own food. Of course, you should definitely embrace local food, but not every meal has to be exciting and indulgent.  Be choosy! Perhaps you’re going to a 5-star restaurant one evening, so you eat a more nutritious breakfast and lunch. Maybe you pack a lunch on days you’ll be hiking and the food options will be scarce/low quality. Maybe you plan to have 1 meal a day that’s made from home, or choose 1 night to cook or grill with your friends instead of going out. There’s room for both indulgence and self care while traveling - the key is balance! 

Self care checklist: my travel essentials

Taking care of yourself while traveling doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t need to take up a lot of space! To help make it as easy as possible for you when you next travel, I’m sharing my curated self-care packing list. These items will allow you to be prepared and motivated to embrace a moment of self-love when next on the road, plane or in your hotel room.

  • Reusable water bottle from home so you can manage water intake

  • Face mask, soothing essential oil and a hydrating mist for the flight or morning/evening meditation. 

  • A compact journal and pen so you can continue your journaling practice in your dedicated self-care time (or you can simply use your notes app on your phone!).

  • Pre-downloaded meditations, podcasts and/or audiobooks so you can listen at any time offline.

  • Earplugs and a silk eye mask to make sure you get a well-rested sleep on flights, or if your location ends up being noisier than expected. 

  • Immune support supplements such as echinacea and vitamin C to keep your immune system supported throughout climate and dietary changes

  • Your favorite perfume - a signature scent always helps me feel grounded!

  • Hand sanitizer or wipes infused with lavender or ginger essential oil to keep you not only protected but calm and peaceful whilst moving to new destinations.

  • High quality probiotic to protect against foreign bacteria and prevent the dreaded food poisoning.

It can be easy to skip these little acts of nourishment when you’re transient, but if you can find even the smallest moments of self care, it can be the difference between an exhausting trip that leaves you drained, or an amazing trip that you’ll never forget.

I hope this helped!




Peruvian Amazonia


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