Intentions vs. Goals

Welcome to 2023!

By now, I hope you’re settling back into your routines and feeling grounded after the holidays.

We all know that not much actually changes when we flip the calendar to a new year… but regardless, the new year always feels like a clean slate, which is the perfect time to reevaluate, reset, and recenter.

Perhaps you set some goals for 2023 back in December, and maybe those goals are going strong for you. If that’s you, hooray! I am so proud of you for staying the course.

But if, perhaps, you’ve already fallen off of the goals you set for 2023, I don’t want you to get discouraged. Instead, I want to give you the opportunity to pivot.

Instead of focusing on specific goals for the year, I’d like to invite you to focus on an intention.

Intentions vs. Goals

Let’s talk about the difference between a goal (or a resolution) vs. an intention.

Right out of the gate, “new year’s resolution” has a negative connotation to it, because it’s focused on something you don’t have, or something that’s not going well in your life.

Examples of goals or resolutions could be:

  • go to the gym X days a week

  • make X amount of money

  • stop smoking

  • get promoted

An intention, on the other hand, starts positively, and is focused on how we can create even more happiness and fulfillment in our lives. An intention is usually 1 word or a short phrase that encapsulates how you’d like to feel, rather than a specific result or milestone.

Examples of intentions could be:

  • Nourish my body & mind

  • Self love

  • Financial Freedom

  • Confidence

  • Adventure

  • Balance

  • Peace

  • Boundaries

Unlike resolutions, (tactical and results-based) intentions are your “theme” of the year that summarizes what you’d like to attract more of. An intention is like following a north star that’s guiding you towards your goals, rather than focusing on the goal itself.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with having goals!

But most people set unrealistic and unattainable goals, which makes you feel disappointed in yourself when you don’t meet the criteria. With intentions, there is no guilt or shame - just something you can come back to when you’re feeling off or misaligned.

Intentions are what I encourage us to set together in 2023, to create intentional decisions and visions for our health, what we want to achieve, and who we desire to be.

Shifting resolutions into intentions:

Let’s say, for example, you set a goal to meditate daily, but you don’t meditate at all right now. For most people, this is not sustainable. You may stick to it for awhile, but ultimately, when you fall off, you will feel as though you failed.

But what are you really trying to achieve through meditating? For most people, meditation is a practice that brings presence, peace and calm.

So, instead of “meditate daily,” you can set an intention of presence - finding small moments to come back to your body, appreciate everything around you, and turn off the thinking mind.

By focusing on the feeling (presence) instead of the method (meditating), you open yourself up to an abundance of options to live by your intention. Sure, you could meditate, if you want to… but you could also:

  • take a walk

  • observe nature

  • take a few big deep breaths

  • notice your surroundings

  • listen closely to the lyrics of a song

  • do a quick body scan

  • give undivided attention to your loved ones…

As you can see, not only does it become much more attainable to live by your intention, but it’s also much more enjoyable. And when you enjoy what you’re doing, you’re much more likely to stick to it!

Acting with an intention in mind has a deep power to alter our lifestyle, leading to a happier, healthier more fulfilled life.

How to create strong intentions

When it comes to setting your intention for the year, know that there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to do it.

Sometimes, finding your intention is as simple as asking yourself, “What do I really want or need right now?”

Maybe it’s more alone time.

Maybe it’s more playfulness.

Maybe it’s more structure and stability.

Maybe it’s more ease.

Whatever response comes through, allow it to surface without judgment or criticism.

You can also try the below exercises to get clear on your intention for the year.

  • Get clear on your desires. How many times do you stop and ask yourself what it is you actually want? Take some time to think about all the areas of your life - relationships, health, financial, career, and write down what it is that you truly desire and, more importantly, how you want to feel.

  • Vision Boards are also a powerful visualization tool to help you get clear on what it is you’d like to attract more of. You can use Pinterest or Canva to create your 2023 vision board. Don’t hold back here… no dream is too big! Visualize that you already live this life, feel what it would be like to already have them and you will start to live in alignment withthis lifestyle or mental state subconsciously.

  • Future Self Journaling: Journal from the perspective of your future self, as if you’ve gotten everything you desire. Write in present tense, for example… “I am…” “I have…” “I do…” This will help you make decisions - both consciously and subconsciously that will lead you to that reality.

How to stay consistent with your intentions throughout the year

It’s important to have a practice of regularly checking in with yourself and your intention. Each morning, take a minute to reflect, either in your head or on paper. How can you live in alignment with your intention today?

By returning back to your intention over and over again, you will stay on track and alter what thoughts or actions are needed to achieve your goals.

Know that your intention may shift and change as you evolve. What you need this month may not be what you need in a few months. It’s okay to change your intention if you feel like it’s stale or no longer resonating. Return to the above exercises whenever you need to in order to find a new intention.

And now, it’s time to put these words into action!

If you need guidance or would like to chat further on how I can coach you this new year on your health and wellness journey, reach out to me here.

Wishing you health & happiness in 2023

~ Alex


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