How to live in tune with the seasons: benefits of seasonal living

Everything in nature has a cycle, and human beings are no exception. Our sleep, hormones, menstrual cycle, digestion, and even our daily routines all flow in a cyclical rhythm. It seems that we all operate best when we have periods of high exertion followed by periods of rest and replenishment.

Unfortunately, rest and replenishment are not given the time and space in our lives that they need. It seems that the more modern our world becomes, the more out of sync we get with our natural rhythms, especially when you consider that you can have any kind of produce at any time of year, and that we are constantly distracted by devices that take us away from the present moment. Our jobs that demand we stay inside for most of our day, we’re expected to perform at 100% 365 days a year, and we stay up later and wake up earlier. It’s no wonder that we’ve lost touch with the natural rhythm of life.

With that being said, there are many small ways in which we can live in tune with nature and the seasons as we are designed to. As the temperatures cool down and nature comes to a more restful state, I’ve listed a few ways you can slow down and embrace the fall and winter seasons.

Benefits of living with the seasons

We live in a society that values productivity, efficiency, and constant progress, but there's something profound about reconnecting with the seasons and allowing the ebb and flow of nature to influence our lives. Living in tune with the seasons can bring a sense of balance, well-being, and a deeper connection to the world around us. There are so many benefits of aligning our lives with the changing seasons, such as:

1) Escape monotony

The changing seasons provide variety and excitement in our lives. Each season brings its own set of activities and opportunities. The joy of cozying by the fire in the winter, picnicking in the spring, swimming in the summer, and hiking among the colorful leaves in autumn can bring immense happiness and help escape the monotony that can sometimes plague our daily routines. In the same way, slowing down the chaos of life in the autumn and winter can help us play “mental catch up” from the often busy and energetic summer season.

2) Connect to nature

Our ancestors lived closely connected to the seasons. They depended on them for farming, hunting, and survival. While modern life has distanced us from these necessities, we can still benefit from rekindling that connection. When we align our activities and routines with the seasons, we feel a stronger bond with the Earth, our ancestors, and ourselves. This connection can lead to a greater sense of contentment and peace, as well as a responsibility for our environment and a desire to protect it.

3) Embrace change

Living in tune with the seasons can teach us valuable lessons in embracing change. As much as change can be scary and uncomfortable, the seasons remind us that change is the only constant. Everything we experience in life is impermanent: the challenges we face will eventually give way to new opportunities and growth, and the beautiful moments will eventually become a distant memory. Seasons teach us to cherish the good moments and find peace in the difficult ones, as nothing is permanent and everything will eventually pass.

4) Sleep deeper

Our bodies have their own natural rhythms, and the seasons can influence these rhythms. Exposure to natural light, temperature changes, and outdoor activities can all affect our sleep patterns. As we adapt to the changing seasons, our sleep quality may improve. For example, the longer daylight hours in summer can help regulate our circadian rhythms, while the cozy hibernation of winter encourages restful sleep.

5) Reduce anxiety

Living in tune with the seasons encourages mindfulness, which is known to reduce anxiety. When we pay attention to the natural world, we become more present and aware of our surroundings. We get out of our heads and into our bodies. The subtle changes in the environment, such as the leaves changing colors in the fall or the blossoming of flowers in the spring, become a source of peace and inspiration. Being present in the moment helps reduce stress and anxiety and allows you to fully appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

How to live in tune with the seasons

1) Eat seasonally

Eating seasonally has numerous benefits for our health and the environment. Fruits and vegetables that are in season are typically fresher, more flavorful, and more nutritious than those that are out of season. Eating seasonally also means supporting local farmers and reducing the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances. It's a win-win for our health and the planet. Some in-season veggies and fruits to try this season are:

  • Winter squash: butternut, delicata, spaghetti

  • Citrus fruits

  • Greens like kale, spinach and chard

  • Apples and pears

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Broccoli and cauliflower

  • Leeks

  • Shallots

  • Potatoes

2) Slow down your routine

This month is a great opportunity to slow things down. Embrace cozy nights in, simplify your calendar, and practice setting boundaries with yourself to prioritize rest and replenishment. For me, I love using this time of year to catch up on good books, invest in cozy loungewear, cook warm, nourishing recipes at home, and enjoy low key nights by a fire with friends and family.

3) Prioritize mindful movement

Although slowing down has so many benefits, it’s easy to sink into a rut in the winter months. Exploring new methods of movement can reinvigorate your habits for the winter. If exercising outdoors was your favorite way to move this past summer, now is a great time to find a form of indoor movement that you love. Maybe your style of exercise has been very “go-go-go,” and now you’re ready for something more low key. Or, perhaps you’re craving something higher intensity to balance out the colder temps. Heated classes and sauna are great options to balance out the cold, dry energy. Whatever it is, tune into your body and explore what wellness practices you need this season (which might change on a day to day basis, since you have your own cycle, too).

4) Sustainable Living

Aligning your lifestyle with the seasons can lead to a more eco-friendly way of living. For example, since water is more scarce during hot, dry summer months, you may become more conscientious about conserving water in the summer. In the fall, you might focus on energy-saving activities, such as sealing drafts in your home to prepare for winter, and opting for a sweater and warm socks before turning the heat all the way up.

5) Create seasonal rituals

Rituals helps us feel grounded and provide a sense of excitement and community. I love adapting my rituals to align with the changing seasons. Some ideas for seasonal rituals could be a cup of hot tea in the evenings, starting a fall book club with friends, making apple cider at girls night, doing a fall clean out to cleanse and simplify, nature walks to enjoy the changing colors of the trees, or fall festivals.

6) Get up with the sun

I have a theory that the days are shorter in the fall and winter because we are meant to sleep more during these months! Whether that’s true or not, I do know that aligning your sleep cycle with the sun (also known as the circadian rhythm) is known to promote better, more restful sleep. Quality sleep has a domino effect on almost every other area of your health: hormones, gut health, mental health, and more. Perhaps this season is a good time for you to prioritize going to bed a bit earlier so you can give your body the rest & replenishment that it needs.

However you personally choose to align with the seasons, know that you will be enhancing your physical, mental, and emotional health in more ways than one. Living seasonally brings not only brings us closer to nature, reduces anxiety, and promotes a more sustainable way of living, but it also helps us appreciate the present moment and find joy in simple rituals.


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