My top tips to fight inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process - it’s our body’s way of protecting against injury, infection, or harmful invaders. Inflammation serves as a temporary defense mechanism, aiding in the healing and recovery of our body when we are wounded or sick. However, when inflammation becomes an ongoing issue, it can have downstream effects on our health and is often the culprit behind hard-to-pinpoint symptoms. This is known as chronic inflammation, a condition that often remains hidden but can wreak havoc on the body over time.

What exactly is chronic inflammation?

To comprehend chronic inflammation, it's essential to first grasp the distinction between chronic and acute inflammation. Acute inflammation is a short-term response triggered by an injury or infection, where immune cells rush to the affected site to neutralize the threat and initiate the healing process. (If you’ve ever broken a bone, you know exactly what this looks & feels like). This type of inflammation is characterized by symptoms such as redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function, which generally subside once the issue is resolved. On the other hand, chronic inflammation is a prolonged and low-grade inflammatory response that persists over an extended period, often without noticeable symptoms. While it might not evoke the classic signs of acute inflammation, it can lead to some pretty uncomfortable symptoms.

Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation

The subtlety of chronic inflammation is what makes it particularly difficult for those suffering from it. Its underlying presence can be attributed to a variety of health issues that might not seem totally related. For example, common symptoms of chronic inflammation include:

  • persistent fatigue

  • joint pain

  • frequent infections

  • digestive problems: constipation, bloating, IBS symptoms

  • skin issues

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • weight instability

  • insomnia

Chronic inflammation is connected to (and sometimes the root cause of) heart disease, ulcerative colitis, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Root Cause of Chronic Inflammation

Several factors can contribute to the onset and persistence of chronic inflammation. Excess processed foods, sugar, and trans fats, lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and of course - chronic stress. Certain medical conditions like autoimmune disorders, and untreated infections can also lead to chronic inflammation.

Tips to Fight Inflammation Naturally

The good news is that there are many steps you can take to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Incorporating these practices into your daily wellness routine will help you feel your best

1. Prioritize whole foods: especially fruits, vegetables and legumes. You already know that whole, nutrient dense foods are the best option for your body… but they are even more important for people with chronic inflammation, as these foods are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that can help combat inflammation. Fruits, vegetables and legumes are particularly beneficial, as they are rich in polyphenols which have many anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Omega-3 fatty acids: Incorporate sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), flaxseeds, and walnuts. These fats have anti-inflammatory properties that can help balance the body's inflammatory response.

3. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water supports cellular functions and helps flush out toxins. Aim for half your body weight in ounces per day. Invest in a good quality water bottle and, if if you find water to be bland, add lemon or lime juice to give it some flavor and help you sip more.

4. Low impact exercise: For an inflamed body, HIIT is probably not the best idea. Opt for low impact workouts like yoga, pilates, walking, or weightlifting.

5. Mind-body practices: yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help reduce stress, which is a known trigger of chronic inflammation.

6. Quality sleep: aim for 7-9 hours per night, as sleep is essential for immune function and inflammation regulation. See here for my tips to sleep deeper and better.

7. Adopt a non-tox lifestyle: toxic load can be a contributor to inflammation, so opt for organic food and natural skin and personal care. See my post here on non-tox living for my favorite natural skin & home products.

8. Avoid inflammatory foods: usually highly processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive intake of refined carbohydrates (especially when consumed without protein or fat) can contribute to inflammation.

9: Dry brushing and lymphatic massage: daily dry brushing can help move extra fluids from inflamed areas in the body, and a lymphatic massage will do the same - but on a much deeper level.

9. Be mindful of alcohol: Alcohol is a big contributor to inflammation, but don’t worry - you don’t have to give up alcohol altogether. Just drink extra water on days you have alcohol, and if it’s more about the fizziness and celebratory feeling of the drink, try a non-alcoholic beverage option. The NA scene is booming right now, and there are so many delicious options out there that will satisfy your fizzy drink craving.

10. Stay connected: Believe it or not, healthy relationships and a strong social support network can have a huge impact on reducing inflammation. The mind and body are deeply connected with one another, so make time for your loved ones and allow them to support you on your anti-inflammatory journey. You’d be surprised at how much deep connection with loved ones can help to combat inflammation.

Benefits of living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

Embracing an anti-inflammatory lifestyle has many benefits that extend far beyond the realm of physical health. By consciously choosing nutrient-dense such as colorful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, you can not only support your body in fighting chronic inflammation and disease, but you’ll also notice increased energy levels, healthy digestion, reduced anxiety and depression, clearer skin, healthier weight, and better sleep.

While inflammation is a natural and vital part of the body's immune response, the persistence of chronic inflammation is no joke. It's important to recognize the symptoms, understand its causes, and take preventative measures where we can. By adopting these 10 practices, you will support your body in fighting inflammation and feel so good doing it. Remember, your body has an innate ability to heal when given the right tools and care.


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