The Juicy Scoop

People often ask me about juicing and juice cleanses. Juicing has been on the rise in popularity lately (hey celery juice !). But like most topics in health and wellness, there are pros and cons. I always like to look at the facts first when deciding whether to try something and then take it to the body from there...

Let's talk benefits.

Juicing does have a fair amount of benefits. It's a great way to get vitamins and nutrients quickly into your body. It can boost your immune system, aid digestion, and remove some toxins from your body. Depending on the juice, it can also be a great way to hydrate more if you don't drink a lot of water. Juices can provide energy, especially when you need a quick pick me up. The fiber is taken out of the fruit or vegetable when you juice it, so you mostly have fructose and glucose left. Without the fiber to slow down the release of the fructose and glucose (aka natural sugars) into your bloodstream, your body gets a quick dose of energy. 

Drawbacks of juicing.

I mentioned that juicing takes away most of the fiber content of fruits and vegetables. This is great if you need a quick energy boost. However, fiber is key to healthy digestion, gut flora, blood sugar balance, heart disease, and many other things in the body. The fiber in fruits and veggies also has some powerful antioxidants. Without fiber, the fast release of sugar causes a spike in blood sugar, which in turn causes your body to produce more insulin (insulin is what brings your blood sugar back down to normal). Unbalanced blood sugar can actually lead to weight gain. Some juices contain more sugar than sodas! Natural sugars like fructose and glucose are better than chemicals or pure cane sugar, but the fiber content naturally involved is what creates balance in the foods. 

My personal opinion on juices + some tips & tricks. 

  • Stick to green vegetables! If I have a juice, I pretty much always go for the solely green one (not even added apple for me, sorry). I also love adding ginger and lemon to help with digestion and immunity. Both of these ingredients have so many excellent benefits. Cucumber is another addition I look for. I know this is technically a fruit, but it's very hydrating and doesn't have a super high fructose content. If you aren't eating greens at every meal but hate the taste of a veggie juice, try to find one with only one type of fruit for flavor.

  • Juice cleanses - I have done several juice cleanses and they don't make me feel my best. I tend to be starving the entire day of the cleanse and extremely bloated the next day. If you have tried juice cleanses and they make you feel good, then great! Do what works for you. However, I don't recommend doing more than one day. If you are looking to detox or give your body a break, try fasting instead.

  • If you want to dip your toes into juicing, add a green juice in the morning. Having it first thing (after water) will get you the best results. When your stomach is empty, nothing is blocking the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It might also help you with digestion for the rest of the day.

  • Smoothies vs. juices - I personally prefer blending over juicing. Smoothies are a great way to get some sneaky greens in without taking away fiber. Unless I am craving certain nutrients or want a delicious drink, smoothies are always my first option over juices. Smoothies are also more filling because of the fiber and actual quantity you're ingesting. Be Well By Kelly has many great smoothie ideas and good information on why we love smoothies.

  • FRESH juice is always better! Buy a juicer at home or find a juice store near you that makes their juices daily. While these juices don't keep for as long, they maintain more nutrients and avoid more chemicals. Plan what days you're going to drink your juice, so you know it won't go to waste. Added bonus - buy juices in glass bottles so you can re-use them.

  • Try organic when you can. Many fruits and vegetables used in juices are on the dirty dozen list. Try to juice organic fruits and veg, or buy organic juices.


At the end of the day, you need to do what works best for your body and find balance. If you love juices and feel your best having one every morning, do it! If you feel like you get all your nutrients from eating whole fruits and veggies, even better. 


Inflammation Station