Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus

Success & burnout: 5 ways to reduce stress for high achievers

On the outside, you’re accomplishing big things - running a business, crushing it at work, getting your steps in, being a good friend, partner, sibling, child, etc. … but perhaps you feel like the more you chase after your goals, the more your mental & physical health takes a toll. You find yourself craving more rest, more relaxation, more time to just be. Here are 5 steps to healing burnout.

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Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus

The importance of habits + 7 habits to reduce stress

The tricky thing about transformation is that you can’t always see when it’s happening, so it’s only natural for us to think that big, extreme transformations must require big, extreme efforts.

But that’s not really how transformation works. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. When you break it down, dramatic transformations are the result of small, seemingly insignificant actions that you repeat on a daily basis - also known as your daily habits.

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Mindfulness, Food, Sleep, Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus Mindfulness, Food, Sleep, Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus

5 reasons you should prioritize blood sugar

Many people think blood sugar is only something to worry about if you have diabetes, but this topic is important for everyone. Blood sugar is often overlooked when people feel off balance, but a lot of common problems (including hormones/hormone imbalance, fatigue, cravings, weight gain, and skin problems) can be improved by simple shifts that balance blood sugar.

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Mindfulness, Travel, Mind/Body Living Alex Shearer Mindfulness, Travel, Mind/Body Living Alex Shearer

How to Stay Well While Balancing Work, Life, and Travel

Work-life balance can be hard enough and being able to work from anywhere adds a whole new element. Not everyone has this ability, but if you do, you recognize that it can be a balancing act. I feel extremely lucky that I can do what I need to do from wherever I need to be. Here’s how I prioritize staying well while working on the go…

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Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts

Relationship Reflection - Healthy Boundaries, Balance, and Self-Awareness

Take a moment to reflect on your relationships. As humans we crave connection. It's important to consider how these connections are impacting you. Set boundaries. These can be physical, emotional, sexual, financial, etc. Unhealthy boundaries might consist of allowing others to define your worth, feeling responsible for someone else’s feelings, or doing something that makes you uncomfortable to make someone else happy.

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Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts

The Best Mindfulness Practices For Each Type of Person

Mindfulness therapy is becoming widely used in the world of psychology because it has such a deep-rooted and impactful potential. Mindfulness has been around for thousands and thousands of years, with beginnings from Buddha. However, this Buddhist practice has grown and morphed to keep up with the new world, and we are continuing to use it in adaptable ways. Mindfulness doesn’t have to be woo woo and spiritual.

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Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts

How Social Media Impacts Our Mental Health

Social media is constantly growing and continuously impacting our society. One area, in particular, that might be affected is mental health. I wanted to do some research on the real impacts social media has on our mental health. I think it definitely gets a bad rap, but are there any positives? As in most cases, I like to look at both sides to really get the whole picture. Here's what I found...

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Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts

2021 Reset For Mind and Body Living

Happy (almost) New Year! This past year has created challenges, growth, and change, for better or for worse. Many of us are ready to begin the new year with a more positive mindset resulting from a better world. It's important to remember that there are only certain aspects of this new year that we can control, so let's focus on those parts and make them the best we can.

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Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts

5 Breathing Techniques For Anxiety & Stress Reduction

This year has been anxiety-provoking for everyone. Anxiety can be scary, especially when you aren't sure how to control it. Breath work can be extremely beneficial when feeling overwhelmed. There are many different breathing techniques, and each person may have their own. Read on for five different yogic breathing styles to decrease anxiety or stress.

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Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts Mind/Body Living Kennedy Roberts

Inflammation Station

This word is thrown around a lot, but what is inflammation and what do we do about it?

Inflammation is basically your body's response to threat. It's how we fight infection, kick start our immune system, and provide protection. Too much inflammation in the body can be negative and cause a variety of issues including joint pain or digestive problems. Chronic inflammation can also be a sign of an autoimmune disorder.

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